Invention Geek – Cat Door?

Question from Carly M.:

Dear Geek,
This may seem silly, but did Isaac Newton really invent the cat flap door?

Your question is actually not silly at all. There is an existing story that states that “yes” Sir Isaac Newton was the inventor of the cat door. However, there is no factual basis behind the legend but it certainly is a popular anecdote. Supposedly, Newton came up with the idea while working in his attic. His cat was constantly wanting to come in and out of the room distracting him and interrupting his work. To allow the cat to come and go as it pleases, he cut a hole in the doorway large enough for the cat. He attached black felt to the top to keep the light out. For the kittens, he cut out a smaller hole never seeming to realize they would just follow the larger cat out the big hole.

What a great question!

– TG

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